Monday, March 11, 2013

Year of water snake 2013

從命理角度來看,2013年02月04日 00:13:25立春之后,才正式進入癸巳蛇年,在2月3日23點(子時)之前,仍然是壬辰龍年。從五行來看,癸巳為自絕之水,名叫凅流。如果遇上丙戌、丁亥屋上土和庚子壁上土,此水馬上就會干凅,因為這些是厚實之土。如果得巳酉丑合金局,定然起死回生,興盛發達,有功及物。

Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means your family will not starve. This could be taken metaphorically to mean that a Snake could never have a problem with his family starving because he is such a great mediator, making him good at business. Or it could mean that a Snake would be willing to sacrifice his possessions, something the Snake has a lot of, in order to pay for his family’s food. Any way it is interpreted is representative of the Snake’s character and is a measure of the value he puts on his material wealth. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise.

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